Monday, February 21, 2011

Midterm Artist Statement-David Weis

The big idea behind my midterm is uncertainty as seen as a whole and the question of 'why?'. I feel that anyone and everyone's statement, that is based on opinion, can be contradicted by the simple question of why. The way certain objects or views of the object stick or are more particular to everyone in their own way. The clash and mix of different emblems or details provides a questioning look of how all of the elements work together or not. To question what people actually believe in what is just the show and tell art of each religion. Different viewers will be drawn to different parts of the image and everyone will pay more attention to what they want to pay attention to at first. Uncertainty of life is what I truly believe that drives all peoples motives in life what they wish to do and or practice. The topic of religion, the uncertainty behind and its values, is very controversial and a real mind boggling thing to my life and how people around are effected by it. The rationalities and the unanswered questions is what draws me to continually bring up the topic and try and learn more about it. I am really intrigued by what lengths people in today's society go to learn more and more about the unknown and the big question is 'why?'. Nothing has happened in my life so far, and it may be because I am too young, but nothing in my life that has alter my life and or religious views and all of the knowing information behind every idea that is out drives to discover it.


  1. I really like the idea of the hands holding the sun and the transparency of it showing that there is a higher power holding the sun/world. You have an interesting way of showing the different religions and the way they stand out next to each other. I like the color scheme and how it looks like actual space. For further work, I would add more of the uncertainty concept. My first instinct would tell me that this is about coexistence. I would also suggest that you blend the religion symbols in more with the planet. For your final project, I think that you should connect the first image more to the second image. I can see that the faces are changed, but I don't see much uncertainty. However, I do like the complexity of the work you have done. Great job!

  2. This is a very dark concept. I think that many people can take this in differently. Jesus being the most clear face you may think that everyone around him isn't as pure as he is. You did a very good job putting everyone in place. It looks like everything was painted in there already. The only thing i would change is making the original picture that is in color make that a little bit bigger to show what people what you started with. We had talked about what all you did to change the picture and everything was a great blend.

  3. I like the way you illustrate especially the first artwork. You change the color of that image into black and white which makes your big idea" uncertainty " and "why" makes more sense. When i see the black and white color, it makes me to think about something related to uncertainty and so on. Both of your artworks depict in a dark color which definitely matches your big idea of " uncertainty" as it is really a serious topic. I like your work.
