Tuesday, February 22, 2011

blog #3

My two artists are Igor Staritsin and Marco Escobedo. They are both very talented photoshop  artists, and both have very visually appealing collections of art that inspires me.
First is Igor Staritsin, he uses sketches he makes and photoshop to create these fantasy like setting that are very cool. If I could have any job in the world it would be to have the talent to render and create scenery like this for videogames or just for storybooks/telling. That is if  I had the talent. His drawing inspire me because i like to draw and he actually includes the use of photoshop, which i also like into his work.

Second is artist Marco Escobedo, his work is also in photoshop and he uses photo manipulation of mainly people which i fidn to be the funnest and most intersting thing you can do in photoshop. A lot of his work, from his website, is very dark and seems to have a darker meaning behind each piece. 

1 comment:

  1. where did you go to search for these artists? i really like their work! especially igor's because it reminds me of "end of the world" type scenes. The second image he created makes me think of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". Marco's work is also very cool. I like that each photo seems to tell a story.
