Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brainstorm Big Idea: Artist Statement

My big idea is Uncertainty, as shown through religion. One of the theme in my brainstorm is the mix and clash of different religions and how they show similarities and differences. Another theme that can be seen is questioning. To question what people actually believe in what is just the show and tell art of each religion. Different viewers will be drawn to different parts of the image and pay more attention to certain details. The unwary face and questioning looks show the uncertainty behind the thought of what religion might be all about. Is the point religion to fear death, the power of god, the practice and worship, or is it just the morals and teachings behind it all. The topic of religion, the uncertainty behind and its values, is very controversial and a real mind boggling thing to my life and how people around are effected by it. The rationalities and the unanswered questions is what draws me to continually bring up the topic and try and learn more about it.

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