Saturday, February 26, 2011

Poster Collage Quiz 4

The two movie posters I chose were Paranormal Activity and Finding Nemo. The Finding Nemo poster attracts a younger more fun loving crowd with its bubbly ocean characters and there is a lot going on in the image. The colors within this poster are very vibrant and attract a lot of attention all over the poster. In the Paranormal Activity poster it uses a very dramatic scene and very monochromatic ‘video camera’ look in the image. There is more textual part to his poster than the Finding Nemo, because it was made for more a thrill seeking more mature audience.  They both have a blue color scheme but they are used in completely different ways. The tone of the Paranormal Activity poster is very intense, because it is an intense scene in the movie; while all of the characters are all brought to together in one image in the Finding Nemo poster.

***I did have access to photoshop at this time to compress my Quiz 4 in order to put it on this blog***

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

blog #3

My two artists are Igor Staritsin and Marco Escobedo. They are both very talented photoshop  artists, and both have very visually appealing collections of art that inspires me.
First is Igor Staritsin, he uses sketches he makes and photoshop to create these fantasy like setting that are very cool. If I could have any job in the world it would be to have the talent to render and create scenery like this for videogames or just for storybooks/telling. That is if  I had the talent. His drawing inspire me because i like to draw and he actually includes the use of photoshop, which i also like into his work.

Second is artist Marco Escobedo, his work is also in photoshop and he uses photo manipulation of mainly people which i fidn to be the funnest and most intersting thing you can do in photoshop. A lot of his work, from his website, is very dark and seems to have a darker meaning behind each piece. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Midterm Artist Statement-David Weis

The big idea behind my midterm is uncertainty as seen as a whole and the question of 'why?'. I feel that anyone and everyone's statement, that is based on opinion, can be contradicted by the simple question of why. The way certain objects or views of the object stick or are more particular to everyone in their own way. The clash and mix of different emblems or details provides a questioning look of how all of the elements work together or not. To question what people actually believe in what is just the show and tell art of each religion. Different viewers will be drawn to different parts of the image and everyone will pay more attention to what they want to pay attention to at first. Uncertainty of life is what I truly believe that drives all peoples motives in life what they wish to do and or practice. The topic of religion, the uncertainty behind and its values, is very controversial and a real mind boggling thing to my life and how people around are effected by it. The rationalities and the unanswered questions is what draws me to continually bring up the topic and try and learn more about it. I am really intrigued by what lengths people in today's society go to learn more and more about the unknown and the big question is 'why?'. Nothing has happened in my life so far, and it may be because I am too young, but nothing in my life that has alter my life and or religious views and all of the knowing information behind every idea that is out drives to discover it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brainstorm Big Idea: Artist Statement

My big idea is Uncertainty, as shown through religion. One of the theme in my brainstorm is the mix and clash of different religions and how they show similarities and differences. Another theme that can be seen is questioning. To question what people actually believe in what is just the show and tell art of each religion. Different viewers will be drawn to different parts of the image and pay more attention to certain details. The unwary face and questioning looks show the uncertainty behind the thought of what religion might be all about. Is the point religion to fear death, the power of god, the practice and worship, or is it just the morals and teachings behind it all. The topic of religion, the uncertainty behind and its values, is very controversial and a real mind boggling thing to my life and how people around are effected by it. The rationalities and the unanswered questions is what draws me to continually bring up the topic and try and learn more about it.