Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog #5

1.     1.  My most significant accomplishment after completing the midterm and the final is my better understanding and practice of Photoshop tools. There are so many different techniques I saw with my classmates and the artists that I looked that there wasn’t really just one that I could focus on. The biggest accomplishment in my midterm was trying to use adjustments and trying to make everything in my image flow together. The biggest thing in my final, other than actually finding a big idea, was using adjustments and patch tools to try and make the parts seamlessly blend together.

2.    2.   The biggest challenge for me was the movie poster project and trying to change the target audience. I understood the concept and what needed to be accomplished I just didn’t know which two posters were complete opposites and how to approach it. The next most challenging thing this quarter had to have been the final. It was probably the most difficult because I had troubling finding or grasping onto to a big idea and also the challenge of using 100% your own material was also a fun and interesting challenge.

3.   3.     The two projects I would compare and contrast would have to be the movie poster quiz and the magazine quiz. They were very similar in that you didn’t use your own images and you had to combine images in such a way to make it believable and or attract a certain audience. The concepts were the same to me and they were both quite challenging. The way they are different was that they were conducted at two completely different times in the course, so there were different and or better skill levels use on each one. There were more tools available and more techniques that have been and or could have been mastered. 

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