Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Artist Statement - Perception

I did not do much research for my final project. I had a hard time coming up with a big idea but when it hit me I hit a brick wall. My big idea is sort of related to my original one from the midterm, which was uncertainty (as shown through religion), but now it is perception. The idea of perception and how a person perceives things can both very particular and ambiguous. I am trying to show how the senses perceive things together and as a individual sense. The things that drove my techniques were mainly human manipulation and that ‘double-take’ factor.

 Here are some other photoshop techniques that use human manipulation.

1 comment:

  1. The idea of perception is very interesting to me because there are so many different approaches to explaining perception...through different perceptions (haha). Human manipulation seems very complex to me, but I am sure that I will be intrigued. To set this idea off, I think you need to be pretty specific with one view of something, and portray it as something completely different. The second image is very trippy
