Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Idea Warm Up

My big ideas are the value of money, the uncertainty of religion, and the purpose/uncertainty of life/death.

Value of Money:
-doesnt buy happiness
-consume the world
-many different forms
-seems to be one of people's main concerns
-people strive to get more of it
-people kill for it
-people do without it

Uncertainty of Religion:
-fear of no meaning in life
-no morals?
-higher being
-practice and commitment
-shape your mind to only see a certain way

Purpose/Uncertainty of Life/Death:
-most ask what is there to live for
-enjoyment of life
-fear of death
-trying to make a difference or be that individual that stands out
-meaningful to the ones that matter
-self image

David Weis

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"A Great Graphic Designer!" Pawel Nolbert

This artist's name is Pawel Nolbert and he graphic designer. He gets hired by different companies to make visual ads for them to use. His work is very simple in that there much going on and in his work he uses a lot of lines and designs to create a flow of things within the images itself. He also uses a lot of bright and vivid colors in works. It draws a lot of attention to certain that one might not originally notice.  In his artwork that is not for advertisements there is a lot of surrealism going on and I believe that they all have their own interpretation of what one might see in them.
This a blog that talks about him:
This is his collective work that has been published, the HelloColor company he works with: